Friday, August 28, 2009


Falling down into a murder scene
I thought if I died...
That I would be alright...
And what makes you think that you are part of this
Its not like you cared...
If I would die out here...

Love me not here on this day
you never loved me anyway
what makes you think I will change
Oh its just hard to seek a way...
To know the truth...

Is this love or is it a fantasy
Or is it a plan...
To use me for demands...
Coz I don't like of what you're thinking
You've always been wrong...
And you know that you are wrong...

Love me not here on this day
you never loved me anyway
what makes you think I will change
Oh its just hard to seek a way...
To know the Truth...

- on this poem I wrote... it talks about the lack of attention with this person's lover...
All this person is trying to do is to make thier lover proud... but this stupid lover is not even showing his/her true feeling towards this person... basically the lover is a false person who is just using you... If this eve occurs to you... this is best for you... -fred

oh and if you are wondering what 423 stands for.... it means (love me not)...hehehe


Ryxxie said...

i like this... :) good job!!!