Monday, August 24, 2009

End of You

This is my lust

I'm drowning in a place where I cannot fuss
I'm falling out of time in a sudden gaze
One glance upon your eyes I can't escape

Sometimes I wish there's something that I could hear

When everything is lost you could never fear
Of all the times I thought you were here with me
Well this will be the end of another scene...

The end of you...
The end of you..........
Deep into stress
Of all the things I thought that I did my best
And everything was lost when you disappeared
I never thought that we could have last for a year...

the end of you.......
the end of you....................
the end of you.........................
the end of you...................................
the end of you.............................................
the end of you................................................
the end of you....................................................
the end of you...............................
the end of you................................
the end of you......................................
the end of you................
the end of you...........................................
the end of you...................................
the end of you...............................
the end of you........................
- it talks about losing someone... this person thought he could win her heart and live his whole life with her.... but she just didn't accept on who he is even though she did love him...